Last Trace

Una canzone di Sophia Leu, ispirata a Erstarrung di Müller/Schubert e composta per Winterreise – quattro di Jelinek.

parole, musica e voce : Sophia Leu
I cannot see her last trace
The snow tells me it’s helpless
She embraced me with her grace
And the ground below was blessed
So let me kiss the earth and
Then dance of ice and snow when
My tears won’t take an end
For the coldness of the men
Who will find me a rose?
Is the grass yet so pale?
For true the memory is fading
And all my sorrows are melting
But who will speak of her
For you my heart now is icing
And I am something that warmth can’t see
But would she look at me

argomento della parte 4 di Winterreise è la vicenda di Natascha Kampusch, già riassunta in questo post.